Sébastien Moins
Sebastien Moins Email : sebastien.moins@umons.ac.be
Nathalie Vanderest
Nathalie Vanderest Email : nathalie.vanderest@umons.ac.be
Dr. Jevgenij Lazko
Dr. Jevgenij Lazko Email : jevgenij.lazko@materianova.be
Dr. Julien Cayuela
Dr. Julien Cayuela Email : julien.cayuela@materianova.be
Dr. Sophie Dropsit
Dr. Sophie Dropsit Email : sophie.dropsit@materianova.be
Dr. Fouad Laoutid
Dr Fouad Laoutid Fouad LAOUTID PhD in Polymer Science from University of Montpellier (Ecole des Mines d’Alès), his main research area is the development of new fire safe polymeric materials containing free halogenated flame retardant systems while considering additional functional properties i.e. mechanical and thermal performances. He has in charge of academic and industrial research projects […]
Prof. Olivier Coulembier
Prof. Olivier Coulembier OLIVIER COULEMBIER graduated from the University of Mons-Hainaut in 2005 and moved to Stanford University and the IBM Almaden Research Center to undertake periods of postdoctoral research under the supervision of Prof. Robert M. Waymouth and Dr. James L. Hedrick. Olivier is currently a Senior Research Associate of the Belgian F.N.R.S. in […]
28th January 2021: Workshop ALPO. Nouveaux matériaux polymères issus de la biomasse micro-algale
Plus d’informations, cliquez ici
3rd February 2021: INTERREG : GOTOS3 BIOHARV
For more information, please click here :
Atmospheric plasma: a simple way of improving the interface between natural polysaccharides and polyesters
Atmospheric plasma: a simple way of improving the interface between natural polysaccharides and polyesters X Carette, R Mincheva, M Herbin, X Noirfalise, T C Nguyen, P Leclere, T Godfroid, H Kerdjoudj, O Jolois, M Boudhifa Abstract : In this study, a novel simple and fast method was developed of immobilizing a natural polysaccharide (chitosan) on a polylactide (PLA) surface. In order to overcome the […]